Free webinar “Skin cancer and outdoor workers: A legal and preventional view”
Dr. Marc Wittlich, Head of Department “Accident Prevention: Digitalisation – Technologies”.
Okt 22/10/2024. Rewatch webinar here
6th International Conference UV and Skin Cancer Prevention
Sept 11-13, 2024
Brisbane, Australia
Information here
9th EUROSKIN Conference “Use of biomarkers in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Skin Cancer”
In collaboration with Belgian Cancer Foundation and European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
16-17 April 2018 | Brussels, Belgium
8th EUROSKIN Conference “From Biomarkers to Molecular Epidemiology”
In collaboration with the Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine (NOFFOF)
3-4 November 2016 | Bergen, Norway
7th EUROSKIN Conference “UV an Vitamin D in Skin Cancer Prvention”
Implementation, burden & benefit
(lessons from other cancer screenings)
was organized in November 2014
6th EUROSKIN Conference “Skin Cancer screening”
Implementation, burden & benefit
(lessons from other cancer screenings)
was organized in November 2012
Scientific Workshop
Health Risks of Sunbed Use – Needs, Regulations and Perspectives
23rd April 2012 at Berlin/ Germany
Experts from Euroskin, ADP, German Cancer Aid, Mannheimer Institute of Public Health,WHO / Cancer Prevention Centre / Cancer Council Victoria,European Institut of Oncology (IEO) ,Prevention Research Institute (iPRI),Strahlenschutzkomission (SSK), Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicher-heit (BMU) and Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) have meet to discuss the Health Risks of Sunbed Use – Needs, Regulations and Perspectives.
43. Annual Meeting of IPRA
19.-21. Sept.2011 at Dortmund
EUROSKIN participates with a speach about “Specialities of the UV radiation from ICNIRP’s point of view”
ECCO 16 Congress
European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress
“Integrating basic & translational science, surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology & care”
at Stockholm, 23-27 Sept. 2011
International Conference on Non-Ionizing Radiation and Children’s Health
a Joint Workshop of COST, ICNIRP, WHO and EUROSKIN
18 – 20 May 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1st International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention
1.- 3. May 2011 in Copenhagen
ECCO 15th – 34th ESMO**Congress, **Sept. 2009
EUROSKIN had been participating with a booth at the
15th Congress of the European CanCer Organisation and
34th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology
in the Internationale Congress Centrum Berlin (ICC Berlin)
for more details click
EUROSKIN at the ECCO Congress
5th Conference
Oct 2007 Hamburg / Germany
(14.-17. Oct 2007)
” Reducing the Health Risks of Sunbed Use –
Needs for Further European Harmonization of Regulations”
Workshop 2005
‘UV exposure guidance: A balanced approach between health risks and health benefits of UV and Vitamin D.’
(Munich, Germany, 17-18 October, 2005)
Organized by ICNIRP, WHO and Euroskin
You can download abstracts and order articles which have been published as Proceedings of the workshop in “Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology”, vol. 92, 1 – 184 (2006) by using the following link: Vit. D – Link
4th Conference
May 2005 Lyon / France
(18.-19. May 2005 / IARC)
” The Burden of Skin Cancer – Alleviating human and economic costs”
- The Role of skin Cancer Screening
3rd Conference
‘Identification and Management of Risk Factors in Skin Cancer’
Workshop: ‘Histopathology Standards’
September 2003, Stockholm/Sweden
(16.-19. September 2003 / Hotel Clarion)
20. September 2003:Workshop: ‘European Certification Standard for Solaria-Studios’
2nd Conference
‘Children under the Sun’ – UV-Radiation and Children’s Skin
WHO Workshop: ‘Children’s Sun Protection Education’
October 2001, Orvieto/Italy
(01.-05.October 2001 / Centro Congressi)
1st Conference
‘Towards the Promotion and Harmonization of Skin Cancer Prevention’
WHO Workshop: ‘UV Sunbeds’
May 2000, Hamburg/Germany
(02.-05.May 2000 / Hotel Residenz Hafen Hamburg)