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Other useful links
Please find below links to the following resources
- Sun Smart: Melanoma skin cancer is now the most common cancer (link)
- “Solar Ultraviolet Radiation – Global burden of disease from solar ultraviolet radiation” Environmental Burden of Disease Series, No. 13 (link)
- The World Health Organization Intersun Project (link)
- BfS UV-Index sunburn (Germany and worldwide) (Link)
- WHO Factsheet on Sunbeds, Tanning and UV Exposure (Link)
- WHO Sun protection and Schools Education Package (Link)
- WHO Artificial Tanning and Sunbeds (Link)
- International Recommendations on UVR (Link)
- WHO Factsheets on UVR (Link)
- WHO Advice sunprotection to Tourists (Link)
- ICNIRP UVR Exposure Guidelines (Link)
- ICNIRP Statement_ protection of workers against ultraviolet radiation (Link)
- Global Solar UV Index (Link)
- IARC „Vitamin D and Cancer“ (Link)
- Robert Koch Institut : „ vitamin D- study ” from B. Hintzpeter (Link)
- American Academy of Dermatology: ABCDEs of melanoma detection (Link)
- GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (Link)
- Gesellschaft der epidemiologischen Krebsregister in Deutschland e.V. /GEKID (Link)